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Being on stage is a form of ecstasy and freedom for me that I have not been able to experience in any other form. Being able to express and convey emotions to an audience, telling spectacular stories or holding up a social mirror is an important feeling for me.

Jezus de Epiloog

The performance “Jezus de Epiloog” is a monologue from the play “Madonna's Man” which was released in 1997. In 2018, together with Daphne de Bruin, Paul Feld and Daniel van Boom, I revived the piece by reprising Jezus de Epiloog and Maria de Proloog.


The piece is an interpretation of the Christmas story in a musical context in which Jesus and the Apostles tour the world as a rock band to share their vision with the people.

By putting the story in a musical context, we have managed to find a personal entrance into the well-known Christmas story.


Because it is put in this different context, it is a story that appeals to many people and which moves many.



“Jesus and the Apostles

we called ourselves

as we roamed

from village to village

a handcart with some stuff

we didn't need more

we believed

and that was enough

really man

we believed in the future

that it would all be different

for everyone

that happiness was there for the taking

if you just took it

we would bring humanity together

it was magic

pure magic

we worked miracles

my strength was great

out of this world

the sick and the dead rose

under my hands

my lyrics were matchless"

Best Of

Screenshot 2022-01-30 at
Screenshot 2022-01-30 at

The performance “Best Of” was a music theater concert. This project was an investigation into what the "Jimmie Factor" was within my work. Since my musical work is so varied and diverse, I was curious about the common thread in my work. What happens if I mix several pieces together? Will it still be a unit? In two months I made this performance and questioned myself what these pieces meant to me.


With the help of Light Up Collective I also started working with visuals. This was a totally new experience and discipline to work with. I found myself asking, "How does one deal with so much visual input?" and "How does this interact with what's happening on stage?"


This performance was an especial research and project to work on. I plan to continue and deepen this performance.



© 2022 by Jimmie Feld

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